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AI 공부 관련 링크 모음

Elements of AI

An introduction to artificial intelligence for non-experts.

If you want a beginner’s guide to understanding AI and how to use it.



AI for Everyone

A comprehensive overview of AI and the key concepts shaping its impact

If you want to be equipped with a broad overview and get a solid start in this field.



Learn AI & machine learning with Google

Free courses & low-cost certifications for AI, Machine Learning, and Neural Networks.

If you want to jumpstart a career in AI



What’s the difference AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Neural Networks

If you want clarity on the core concepts



28 AI Terms You Need To Know

A list of basic terms everyone should know.

If you want to feel comfortable on AI Twitter



Machine Learning Glossary | Google Developers

A comprehensive list of machine learning terms.

If you want to speak the language of AI



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